الأحد، 31 ديسمبر 2017


Who would've ever thought when I started this journey we'd ever reach 1,000,000 hits, let alone 58,000,000 million! When I sit back and think about all the years I've put into this thing I think, you have to be crazy to spend 14 years doing this.

Nevertheless, we LOVE the Underdog and we're going to continue to expose what other media sources refuse to publish. 

That being said, Happy New Year 2018 to each and every one of you. We have an incredible President who will deliver light at the end of what was a very dark tunnel. We will continue to crush the Liberal mind set and set a path to a much better future here on the Shore. 

Love us or hate us, we've proven to be the most consistent news source around and our traffic simply proves we're "second to none". Remember Folks, it's the comments that make a difference.

from Salisbury News http://ift.tt/2lzpCVf

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