الثلاثاء، 12 ديسمبر 2017

Millennials Are Destroying The Next Generation and It’s Ruining America

Respect. Dignity. Gratitude. Pride. Hard work.

These are some of the values that my parents instilled in me. They are values that my wife and I are trying to instill in OUR children.

The same can be said for many of our friends who are also parents. Unfortunately the same cannot be said for many Millennials – and so I’ve got some tough love to share with you that your parents clearly missed the boat on.

You’re screwing up your kids. And for the love of America, you need to get it together.

Did you hear that?

It was the collective gasp of tender little snowflakes across the country, preparing to skip this entire article and head right to the “comments” section so they can declare that I’m parent shaming.

It’s true. I am. Many of you suck at being parents. ‘matter of fact, part of me almost wishes you had to apply for a breeding license these days.

Relax. I’m not here to judge you. Everyone else has already handled that.


from Salisbury News http://ift.tt/2BEvlDA

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