الأحد، 31 ديسمبر 2017

Wind Turbine Removed At Chesapeake College

As most of you know, I took an unusual break from SBYNews yesterday where I attended a Family Reunion. While heading west on Rt. 50 I got to the Chesapeake College area and thought, where the hell is that huge turbine, it's gone! Come to find out, it broke and they simply took it down.

It's no wonder the Liberal media kept their mouths shut, it was BS to start with and yet Idiots like Worcester County representatives want to allow off shore turbines that, (when you do the research) aren't worth a crap. It's OK, we used other peoples money, right Libs?

So a friend did some research for me while I was away and here's what they came up with...



Chesapeake’s wind turbine, installed in 2011, marked the beginning of the college’s sustainability efforts and energy-savings measures on campus that now include solar energy.

In February, the turbine’s generator suffered catastrophic failure. Most likely caused by a power surge, repair estimates are between $20,000 and $25,000.

“The turbine was a catalyst in creating a culture of energy conservation at Chesapeake,” Bounds said. “But we determined that the repair cost was too expensive and our resources could more effectively be invested in solar power, which will result in greater energy savings on campus.”

(Has contact info on speakers who held a forum on what looks like the same month the windmill died, 2/2017.)

This one’s a doozy, LOL!

If you’ve driven Rt. 50 on Maryland’s Eastern Shore, you’ve no doubt seen it. Towering high above the fields north of Easton, the white, three-bladed wind turbine marks the site of the Wye Mills campus of Chesapeake College. The 50 kW wind turbinewas erected in 2011 and generates enough power to save the regional community college $12,000 – $15,000 a year.
This entry was posted in Planned Sites on February 12, 2015 by Lanny. Construction of the solar parking lot in October, 2014.

Friday, September 27, 2013

The Star Democrat
The college also is generating some of its own electricity, thanks to the wind turbine that is positioned just off U.S. Route 50 and came online in 2011. The wind turbine generates about 20 percent of the electricity used by the Eastern Shore Higher Education Center located on the Wye Mills Campus, according to Plutschak.

12) Is the wind turbine you erected on campus and/or part of your insurance program – we have seen solar projects with other institutions where they work with a for profit company to engage in this alternative energy source, so any details like that would be great. The wind turbine is currently under an operating lease. The lease will be ending in FY2018 and the college anticipates opting into the buyout option at the end of the lease.

Real-world evidence of this exists with a wind turbine located along Route 50 on the campus of Chesapeake College. Based upon the college’s own production figures, electricity from this turbine costs 30 cents per kilowatt hour, approximately three times the current average residential and commercial rate.

And this from Illinois…

from Salisbury News http://ift.tt/2Ei4oUj

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