الثلاثاء، 20 مارس 2018

Scientific American: 'Why Are White Men Stockpiling Guns?' Because They’re Uneducated Racists?

Scientific American continues on its activist leftward path, diluting its scientific brand by transmitting biased anti-gun propaganda under the cover of academic sociology.

The latest entry was posted Wednesday and has become a popular post:“Why Are White Men Stockpiling Guns? — Research suggests it’s largely because they’re anxious about their ability to protect their families, insecure about their place in the job market and beset by racial fears.”

If that headline wasn’t a giveaway, writer Jeremy Adam Smith’s bio left little hope for an objective take: “….author or co-editor of four books, including The Compassionate Instinct and Are We Born Racist?”


from Salisbury News http://ift.tt/2IBABIx

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