الأحد، 19 أغسطس 2018

Why I Do What I Do

I'm frequently asked, how do you do it and why do you do it. While my response is usually one on one, I think it's time I take the time to explain it to all of you.

It is NOT about hate, anger or simply being negative. Many years ago I sat back and watched some of the most incredible behavior, starting off with and going all the way back to reading about how a local female City Councilwoman had been physically attacked immediately following a Salisbury Council Meeting. I truly couldn't believe what I was reading. It garnished so much of my interest that I actually came to Salisbury for the court hearing and listened to several eye witnesses independently explaining how the Chief of Police had physically removed the person from attacking that Councilwoman, yet he had claimed and the local paper published him stating he hadn't seen a thing. 

It was right then and there that I knew something had to be done. I spoke with the Publisher and Editor of the Daily Times and their reply to my stating if they didn't start printing the truth, I was going to start my own newspaper. They replied, "we love competition". I had heard about, (back then) this Blogspot thing and in time SBYNews was created. They went from hundreds of employees, owning their own building and are now lucky to have a dozen people working there.

For many of you who have followed me for many years, you know the many death threats I've received. You know how the Mayor and Chief of Police sued me, (I won). You know how the local media took advantage of publishing so many one sided stories against me in the hope they'd get me to shut down. Their intention has always been to remove any credibility. Many of you know how the City would retaliate against ANYONE, (especially me) who spoke out against each administration. Heck, the Liberals have even created numerous anti Albero Websites that bash me, my Wife, our children and even grandchildren on a regular basis. Their hope and intent, (admittedly) has always been to shut me down. 

I created a niche, much like the anonymous comments the Daily Times would publish daily, all in favor of attacking individuals and or especially public officials. Well, two can play that game. 

My goal with SBYNews has always been to share the TRUTH. It has always been to stand up for the UNDERDOG. What I created was a platform for the people, a voice  for the people who no longer had to fear retaliation. 
Today SBYNews will surpass 64,000,000 hits. Not too shabby for a one man show! No one else can say they've reached such a plateau. Oh sure, WBOC can run commercials stating they come close with the multiple sources they now own in the hope of garnishing advertisers but they CANNOT say they come anywhere close within their WBOC News channel. Nevertheless, we are by far the most read local news source out there because WE EARNED IT. 

Now, do I have to do what I do, absolutely not. Do I have to get up at 3:00 every morning and start publishing articles, no. I do it because YOU need a voice. I do it because I start watching the local news at 5:00 am every day and suffer through fake laughing, listening to these Eastern Shore Idiots, (supposed professionals) who say things like Temchur, instead of temperature. I do it because I watched every single county on the Eastern Shore overwhelmingly vote for Donald Trump to be their President and your local news spends every single day bashing this great President. I do it because we conservatives need a voice.

Ladies & Gentlemen, I want you to think about something here. Last week I delivered multiple articles showing how Mr. Mark Odachowski went out and purchased hundreds of Donald Trump 2020 MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN flags to give away to ANY angler wanting to proudly display this flag. Hundreds of anglers called him day in and day out, can I please have one of those flags. I can personally tell you, Mark had shipments coming in every single day, including Sunday deliveries in order to fulfill these requests. Only SBYNews published just how overwhelming this movement became. What did your local media do, they bashed it. 

Even President Trump put out a Tweet thanking Ocean City for such incredible support. And what made the White Marlin Tournament so GREAT? How about the FACT that a man from MEXICO won 1st place and MILLIONS of dollars! Did you hear of ONE conservative complain that someone from another COUNTRY won this tournament, HELL NO! This is just one small reason together we are MAKING AMERICA GREAT AGAIN. There is NO HATE from the conservative party but your local and national liberal news wants to paint a completely different picture and this is why I do what I do. They want to make us look like we hate blacks, welfare recipients, you name it. The Liberals wanted to attack, (through comments) the anglers in the WMO as the one percenters.

Let me just explain a little something to you people. You don't hear these same LIBERALS complaining when Gillis Gilkerson buys up all the Downtown properties or ALL of the other Good Ol' Liberal Boys who buy riverfront properties for $5,000.00 and so forth. You don't see your local media going after their own. No, they simply want to brainwash you by filling your brain that anyone who dares to support President Donald Trump is a fool. Think of it as a business for a second. If you know that the mass majority of your customers overwhelmingly supported and voted for Donald Trump, wouldn't you know that you'd be pissing off that mass majority by calling them Idiots every single day for YEARS?

SBYNews is here because I will NOT stand for such brainwashing. I will NOT allow your local media to make complete Idiots out of each and every one of you. YOU are NOT that stupid and guess what, SBYNews, (a one man show) rose to the very top with absolutely ZERO experience because WE RELATE. 

I'm passionate. I Pay It Forward. I'm dedicated and I tell the TRUTH. Would I LOVE to have someone else just as passionate and dedicated come along and take over what I do, absolutely. I have a Family. I have Grandchildren I'd love to spend more time with. If what I do every day was complete bullsh!t and had no meaning or influence I'd quit in a New York Second. However, what other news outlet delivers what I do here every day. In the mean time I'll keep plugging away because it is my way of thanking this great country for allowing me the means to do so. 

In the mean time, THANK YOU! Together we have created one of the biggest news Blogs ever created. It has been people like YOU that help me every single day, delivering me articles of interest that we can publish. We are so well rounded because it's both men and women sending me information and that's so important. We are only successful because you make us successful. I also can't thank our Advertisers enough for their financial support. Together we do incredible things for so many people and organizations here on the Shore. Thanks for putting Good Money After Good Money. 

from Salisbury News https://ift.tt/2nPaJzy

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