الجمعة، 24 مايو 2019

No, Nancy. It's the Dems Who Are Engaged in a 'Cover-Up'

The Democrats are like a beehive that has lost their queen -- only, in this case, the queen is not Nancy Pelosi, but Barack Obama. He alone was able to hold this fractious cuckoo's nest together. And one wonders if he could do it now.

Nevertheless, Pelosi, anxious to do her part and stave off impeachment charges she knows are electoral poison for her party, did her best to damp things down by accusing Trump of a "cover-up" when she emerged from the Democratic caucus Wednesday morning.

Talk about projection!

Was it Machiavelli who said: When they accuse you of something, they're the ones who are doing it? No, it wasn't, not exactly anyway. But no question the brilliant Florentine saw that happening on a daily basis, as we do.


from Salisbury News http://bit.ly/2X6epgC

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