الاثنين، 14 سبتمبر 2020

ANTI-BORDER wall Democrat Gretchen Whitmer is building an 8ft tall electric fence around her mansion as part of a $1.1M taxpayer funded security measures.

It comes after the Michigan Governor, who campaigned against Donald Trump’s illegal immigrant barrier, claimed she had received an "explosion in death threats" because of her strict Covid-19 lockdown rules.

The eight-foot-tall fence has appeared in recent weeks around the governor's residence property in Lansing, with a sign warning "Danger. High voltage. Unauthorized persons keep out".

In opposition to Trumps wall, Governor Whitmer tweeted things like,

"The people have spoken, and we chose hope and inclusion. We chose respect and collaboration.

"And we chose bridges over walls."

She also tweeted: "$40 BILLION for the wall.

"Think how many kids that would educate, how many roads, bridges and pipes it would fix."

However she had no problem spending taxpayer dollars when she felt her own safety is at stake.

The Governor is now building a wall to keep intruders out

from Salisbury News https://ift.tt/2DZ2JaW

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