الثلاثاء، 15 سبتمبر 2020

Soros Fuels Massive Effort to Win Women Voters in Battleground States

Liberal billionaire George Soros is funding a multimillion-dollar effort to turn out women voters for Democrats in battleground states.

Supermajority, a progressive women's group, is launching a $10 million campaign targeting women voters in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Arizona. Its super PAC is funded almost entirely by Democracy PAC, which is fully funded by Soros. Of the $2.5 million Supermajority has raised so far this cycle, $2 million came from Democracy PAC, Federal Election Commission records show.

Supermajority is just one of the many election projects that Soros has bankrolled this cycle through the Democracy PAC. The financier has pushed $50 million into the Democracy PAC, which is then passed off to liberal groups such as the Nancy Pelosi-linked House Majority PAC, the Chuck Schumer-linked Senate Majority PAC, Planned Parenthood Votes, and the dark money group Sixteen Thirty Fund.


from Salisbury News https://ift.tt/3hHORzX

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