الأحد، 18 أكتوبر 2020

RIP Fr. Francis Ighorurhie, MSP - Beloved Catholic Missionary Priest Dies in Nigeria after Slipping on Wooden Bridge and Drowning

A faithful Missionary Goes Home! 
It was a very sad day for the Missionaries of St Paul and the Catholic Diocese of Bomadi as the painful news of the death of one of our beloved brother and great missionary, Fr. Francis Ighorurhie, MSP was broken early morning of October 16, 2020. It was gathered that Fr Francis slipped from the wooden bridge walk to his Rectory, fell into the water and drowned, thursday night, October 15. Until his untimely death, Fr. Ighorurhie was the parish priest of S. Joseph’s Catholic Church, Kaiama, in Bomadi Diocese of Nigeria. Fr. Francis Ighorurhie was born on April 3 1978. He was ordained a priest of the Missionary Society of St. Paul on June 25, 2011. May the soul of Fr. Francis Ighorurhie, MSP and the souls of all the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace! Amen. Please keep his family, the Missionary Society of St. Paul and the Catholic Diocese of Bomadi in your prayers.
Source: Catholic Diocese of Bomadi:

from Catholic News World https://ift.tt/31ksCuq

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