الجمعة، 15 مايو 2020

Obama's Flynn Unmaskers Unmasked

In a classic display of Shakespeare’s line about “the lady doth protest too much,” Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) on Wednesday decried “these ridiculous conspiracy theories on [Barack] Obama.” He complained that Homeland Security Committee Chairman Ron Johnson “wants to go after Biden and this Hunter Biden conspiracy theory, which came from the Russians, of all people.” Schumer gasped, “This is amazing to me. What alternative universe do they live in? Spending their time on discredited conspiracy theories, against Obama, against Biden.”

Of course, far from being a “discredited” conspiracy theory, this is conspiracy fact — and Barack Obama’s fingerprints are all over it. Justice Department documents declassified and released by acting National Intelligence Director Richard Grenell show that there was a conspiracy by members of Obama’s DOJ to undermine incoming President Donald Trump. On Wednesday, Republican Senators Chuck Grassley (IA) and Ron Johnson (WI) released a declassified list of former Obama officials who had requested and received unmasked information related to Gen. Michael Flynn during the last few weeks of Obama’s presidency.

As The Wall Street Journal reports, “The National Security Agency received and approved requests on behalf of more than three dozen Obama administration officials, including then-Vice President Joe Biden, to ‘unmask’ a U.S. citizen mentioned in classified foreign intelligence reports during the presidential transition, revealing the identity of Michael Flynn.” Included among these three dozen Obama era officials are former CIA Director John Brennan, Obama Chief of Staff Dennis McDonough, and former UN Ambassador Samantha Power, who apparently lied in congressional testimony by claiming to not recall making a request for the unmasking of Flynn — records show she in fact made seven requests.

This revelation is significant because it may help determine who was involved in leaking Flynn’s conversations with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak (classified information) to the press. It was this leaked information that was then used by members of the FBI in entrapping Flynn in the infamous White House meeting on January 24, 2017.

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from Salisbury News https://ift.tt/2Z7MgcL

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